Excerpts from the Kuwaiti Constitution: |
Article 9: The ruling regime is democratic. Sovereignty is invested in the people who are the source of all powers. |
Article 18 : Private Ownership is secured. No person shall be prevented to dispose of his won property except as stipulated by law. Property can be expropriated for public interest only in the cases and ways provided for in the law against just compensation. |
Article 24: Social Justice is the basis for taxation and Public costs. |
Article 29: People are equal in terms of human dignity. They are equal before the law as to rights and duties. They shall not be discriminated for sex, origin, language or religion. |
Article 35: Freedom of belief is absolute. The State shall provide protection for religions rituals as per the common traditions, without prejudice to the public order or morals. |
Article 36: Freedom of opinion and scientific research is secured. Citizens are entitled to express their opinion and publish the same in verbal or written forms or otherwise in accordance with the conditions and situations stipulated by the law. |
Article 42: Mandatory jobs may not be enforced on any person, except in cases stipulated by the law or national dictates and against just compensation. |
Article 50: The ruling regime is based on the principle of segregated authorities, with co-operation amongst them as per the provisions of the Constitution. |
Article 51: The legislative authority is invested in the Amir and the National Assembly as per the constitution. |
Article 52: The executive authority is invested in the Amir and the Council of Ministers as indicated in the constitution. |
Article 53: The judicial authority is invested in the courts in the name of the Amir, within the constitutional limits. |
Article 162: Courts honesty and judges integrity and justice are the basis of governance and security for rights and freedoms. |
Article 163: No entity shall have any authority over the judge. In no event interference shall be made to the course of justice. Independence of Court is secured by the law, it provides for the guarantees granted to judges, and their awards as well as the cases of undismissability of judges. |
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- Most part of Kuwaiti Law is derived from the Egyptian Law, which is in turn derived from the French Law that is predominated by the Romanian tendencies.
- According to the Kuwaiti Lawyers law No. 42/1964, practice of law profession and appearance before courts is allowed only to Kuwaiti Lawyers duly enrolled as per the law.